Tick Bite Prevention

  • Stay on trails outdoors; avoid areas of overgrown brush and tall grasses.
  • Wear light-colored clothes so ticks can easily be seen.
  • Wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  • Tuck shirts into pants, and pants into socks.
  • Consider using insect repellent containing DEET. Clothes may be treated with permethrin.


  • Check after every two or three hours of outdoor activity for ticks on clothing and skin. A thorough check of body surfaces for attached ticks should be done at the end of the day. Promptly remove any attached ticks. The chance of Lyme disease transmission increases with duration of time an infected tick is attached; if a tick is attached for fewer than 24 hours the chance of Lyme disease transmission is extremely small.
  • Reduce the number of ticks around your home where people spend time by keeping grass short, removing leaf litter, and creating a wood chips or gravel barrier where your lawn meets the woods.