Property Tax Rates

The tax year is April 1st to March 31st

Property taxes are billed semi-annually with due dates of July 1st & December 1st each year

Interest will be charged on delinquent property taxes at a rate of 8% per annum per billing period and 18% per annum on tax liens. Taxes are delinquent if not paid by due date on bill. Interest amounts will not be reflected on your next bill as it is calculated daily. Please call Tax Collector to get current total if you are paying later or earlier than a notice date.

  • The Town of Lyman's 2022 property tax rate was set at $19.45.
  • Tax bills were mailed May 25th and are due July 1st.
  • Town: $5.65 / Local School: $10.90 / State School: $1.24 / County: $1.66.